About Gravel Buddies

Gravel Buddies community was founded in April 2022 with the purpose of creating an environment where women, gender-diverse, and 2SLGBTQIA+ people can share their love for gravel riding and bikepacking.

Gravel Buddies’ mission is to build confidence, empower, create connections, and explore beautiful places in a supportive setting

Creating fun rides for everyone

You don’t need a gravel bike or experience on trails to join our rides. Any bike you feel comfortable riding on trails is great! The type of terrain and skill level for each ride are announced in advance, so you can plan ahead. I try to prepare rides accessible for all riders - those with skinnier tires or less experience, as well as those seeking the adrenaline of more challenging routes. Everyone is welcome.

Empowering and build confidence

It’s such a great feeling when you are able to tackle a section of a trail you couldn’t get through before. The more you do it, the easier it gets. And you can have some fun while challenging yourself!

All our rides are and always will be no-drop, which means we wait for every member of the group and never leave anyone behind. We help each other with mechanicals, cheer each other and push bikes up the steep hills together.

Exploring beautiful places in a supportive setting

When it comes to bikepacking, for me it epitomizes the ultimate travel experience — days spent traversing landscapes, self-sufficient and adaptable to whatever challenges arise. Doing it as a group magnifies the joy; we assist one another, share snacks, share laughter, and forge enduring friendships. Bikepacking allows for a richer connection with nature and surroundings than any car ride could offer.

Sharing knowledge and tips

We understand life gets in the way and people aren’t always able to join our events.You can find the previous routes from our rides and trips here on the website. You can find useful tips on what to avoid or not to miss when you are riding through these areas. Look for the Notes section at the end of a description.  

Trail Library, created with contributions by our riders, contains various trails and fun routes in Lower Mainland. Create your own adventure or explore cool shortcuts in your neighbourhood.

Making bikepacking more accessible

Join our bikepacking adventures without the pressure of owning fancy gear. Regardless of your bike, gear, or setup, all are welcome. Our seasonal trips cater to varying experience levels, offering short-distance overnighters for beginners and longer, more challenging journeys for seasoned enthusiasts. Reach out in our pre-trip group chat for assistance or to borrow needed equipment. Participation is free, with costs limited to ferry/transit, camping, and personal food or drink expenses.